What is Business Process Reengineering?
Sounds impressive!
But what is this phrase Business Process Reengineering really about and why is it searched for 210,000 times per month on Google?
Perhaps you are looking to find out how you can improve your bottom line and make it easier for your staff to do their tasks well?
Or you want to ensure your Business Processes are interpreted correctly or maybe you are just trying to improve your Document Management?
So why do some professionals use the impressive (and rather daunting) terminology Business Process Reengineering?
It does sound to me that they like to sound expensive!
Here is some of my research for you.
A good explanation is given by CREATLY:
“BPR Implementation | Business Process Reengineering Steps Reengineering a process focuses on redesigning a process as a whole, which includes fundamentally rethinking how the organizational work should be done in order to achieve dramatic improvement.
That’s what differentiates BPR from process improvement which only focuses on functional or incremental improvement.
Reengineering might not be appropriate in all situations, especially if your processes only require optimization and if your organization is not looking to undergo dramatic change.
In such a case, you can opt for a process improvement technique”.
So where does Business Process Reengineering start and Process improvement end?
What do you require for your business?
What are your goals?
Do you want to create/update or integrate a new system into existing processes? For example, once you have a system that automates part of the process, you will need to update your Business Process.
I would not necessarily use the terminology ‘Business Process Reengineering’. It is a given that Processes need to be updated with any changes in the system or even changes in job roles. Systems are always being upgraded and often replaced after several years – and this will impact on your company Processes.
If you need to implement not only training, but an additional change management program, so that staff accept the new system and all the new changed processes/ways of working – then we are then getting closer to the definition of Business Process Reengineering.
How can I help you with Business Process Engineering?
Having personally gone through several changes in computer systems, new software applications as well as countless mergers for others, The Boland Process could be what your business is looking for and needs! Let’s talk CONTACT US.