Your Business Process Workshops
Once your processes/forms checklists etc are finalised, Kerry can run a Workshop and train your staff !
At The Boland Process we often hear Business owners complain that staff do not follow the procedures, even if the processes are valid.
There are ways to ensure ownership of the procedures by those to use them.
The Boland Process runs Workshops tailored to your Business
Certainly specific training in a procedure can improve compliance and even a willingness to input and improve the procedure.
Writing expertise combined with training expertise can give your Business Processes a fighting chance of being implemented correctly.
Qualified in Training and Assessment in the workplace, Kerry can develop training packages based on the content of your business procedures.
With various methods of delivery of training, including Face to Face or Online, Workshops can be developed specifically for your business processes.
Once your Processes are organised and located in a safe and logical repository Kerry can run a workshop to help staff understand how to access those procedures as well as the content. This may include showcasing your (NEW) internal website or going through a (New) Procedural manual. While of course, staff can explore by themselves, if staff come together in a structured workshop, learning is increased.
The methodology that Kerry uses for her Structure Workshops also encourages peer to peer learning, which is the most effective way for your staff to learn.
Software Application Workshops
Not only do staff need to be able to know the details of your business process, but it is important that a selection of staff understand how to organise and update the procedures.
They need to understand the principles of Good Documentation Practice such as version control.
In some cases they may also need support in maintaining an internal website.
Kerry can support your staff with one to one training. Contact us now to learn more!
Soft Skills Training Workshops
Tailor made for your team in your business. See what others had to say after attending one of Kerry’s Team Building and Interpersonal Skills workshops.
Contact us now to learn more!